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1 hour online webinar
30 minute LIVE Q&A
Unlimited access to replay
Profit First
in Group
Private Practice
Are you interested in implementing Profit First in your group practice?
Have you tried over and over to begin using Profit First with no success?
This FREE online webinar is for you!
What Profit First is
Set-up & Implementation
Determining CAPS & TAPS
Troubleshooting Common Issues
Tips & Tricks for Success
What you will learn:
Meet Julie!
Hi! I'm Julie, the owner of GreenOak Accounting and host of the Therapy For Your Money podcast!
I'm an Advanced Certified Profit First Professional and my firm has helped hundreds of clients achieve their Profit First dreams.
My goal is to empower private practice owners to make financial decisions and grow their practices, and I am so excited to bring you this awesome Profit First for Private Practice webinar to help you get started!
What to expect:
Q: I've read the book but haven't started Profit First yet, is this webinar for me?
A: Yes! This webinar will walk you through the basics of starting Profit First.
Q: I'm not a client of GreenOak Accounting, can I still attend this webinar?
A: Absolutely! We created this webinar to help all group practices get started with Profit First.
Q: Is there a good time of the year to start Profit First?
A: Nope! Profit First can begin to be implemented at ANY time. Don't hesitate to get started today, make sure to register for the webinar!
Q: How long does Profit First usually take to set up?
A: It usually takes about 1-2 weeks for GreenOak Accounting to assist with setting up Profit First for private practices. If you are looking to implement the method on your own, it can take anywhere from 5-10 hours over the course of 1-2 weeks.
Q: Do you have to transfer money every two weeks?
A: We recommend doing your transfers at least every two weeks, but you may also complete your transfers on a weekly basis as well.
Q: What if my books are a mess?
A: It can be pretty challenging to implement Profit First if you don't actually know how much money is coming in or going out. We recommend your books be in order before implementing Profit First in order to make the transition smooth and easier to understand. We can help with that! Head over to GreenOak Accounting to schedule a consultation with a member of our team to help you get started today!
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